About Me

It's not about what you can do, it's about who you are. This is me, warts and all, just a guy trying to plot a course through life.

Friday 20 April 2012

The Great Social Media Experiment

Partly inspired by Sean McPheat’s book ‘eselling® and partly by my ‘Diary of a Sales Manager’ column on Modernselling.com (all one article of it), I decided to put my money where my mouth is and start the Great Social Media Experiment at the very end of October 2011.

The idea was to use LinkedIn and Twitter to identify prospective customers and to engage them in a non-sales way so that, if and when, they are looking for something I can supply, they are already aware of me.

Friday 13 April 2012

The Power of How and Why

Have you ever read something that made you say “oh, that’s so obvious now that it’s been stated.  Why couldn’t I see that for myself?”

I recently had just that experience reading Putting Challenger Selling to Work – One on Brian McIver’s blog.

To put Brian’s post in context, if you work in sales and you dabble in social media (you must do, or why else are you here?) you will know that there has been a huge amount of buzz about The Challenger Sale by Matt Dixon and Brent Adamson.  The book (not yet read) is based on surveys of over 6,000 sales reps across geographies and industries.